The Wiki of the Dead
The Wiki of the Dead

A group of Marks, Kageos, and a Morris.

The following is a comprehensive list of all creatures in The House of the Dead III.

Serving as the main enemies, these creatures were the result of human genome experiments within the EFI Research Facility, as well as some returning from past installments. After the collapse of civilization in 2019, AMS agents investigated the facility and battled the creatures within.

All English and Japanese creature names have been obtained from The House of the Dead III Perfect Guide.


HOTDIII Mark I render Mark (マーク, Māku?) A shirtless bald creature with glowing red eyes and blue pants.
HOTDIII Mark II render Mark II (マークII, Māku Ⅱ?) A creature in brown ragged pants with an exposed part of his chest.
HOTDIII Mark III render Mark III (マークⅢ, Māku Ⅲ?) A creature with dark circles around his eyes and dark speckles on his body.
HOTDIII Mark IV render Mark IV (マーク IV, Māku Ⅳ?) A creature in a blue plaid shirt with pockets and blue cargo pants.
HOTDIII Kageo render Kageo (カゲオ, Kageo?) A skeletal creature. Kageo is weak and slow, but in groups he is dangerous.
HOTDIII Torso Kageo render Torso Kageo A variant of Kageo with only his torso remaining. He slowly crawls toward players before performing a leaping scratch attack.
HOTDIII Ebitan render Ebitan (エビタンa, Ebitan a?) A rotting creature covered in green sludge as a result of being submerged in water for a lengthy period of time.
HOTDIII Koebitan render Koebitan (こえびたん, Ko ebitan?) A slightly smaller version of Ebitan which attacks in groups of 3.
HOTDIII Peeko render Pico (ピコ, Piko?) Somewhat reminiscent to Mickey from the second game, this small creature attacks player(s) with two kunai.
HOTDIII Julie render Julie (ジュリー, Jurī?) The remains of a former building employee. She is a slow-moving enemy.
HOTDIII Maurice render Morris (モリス, Morisu?) A creature in blue clothing with a skinless mouth. He wields a massive, heavy axe.
HOTDIII Charles render Charles (チャールズ, Chāruzu?) A large shirtless creature whose fat belly can withstand multiple bullets. Another variant exists with deep gray mottled skin, a different face, and higher endurance.
HOTDIII Azteca I render Azteca I (アステカI, Asuteka I?) A shirtless muscular creature; attacks by swinging a steel frame or punching.
HOTDIII Azteca II render Azteca II (アステカII, Asuteka II?) A muscular creature in a military uniform whose behavior is identical to Azteca I.
HOTDIII Frederics render Frederic (フレデリック, Furederikku?) Believed to be created from a former researcher in the EFI Research Facility. He wields four scalpels in each hand, which he can either throw or slash with at close range. He either appears dressed as a surgeon (left), or in an orange uniform with goggles (right). The orange variant lacks vocals when damaged or killed.
HOTDIII Acid render Acid (, San?) A red dripping creature that crawls on walls and ceilings.
HOTDIII Hugh render Hugh (ヒュー, Hyū?) A bandaged small creature with an impressive jumping ability who uses a fluorescent lamp or umbrella as a weapon.
HOTDIII Jack render Jack (ジャック, Jakku?) A creature who dual-wields axes, blocking gunfire. He appears and behaves similarly to Johnny creatures from The House of the Dead 2.
HOTDIII Barry render Barry (バリー, Barī?) A small agile creature with a maniacal hyena laugh, who wields electrical cords connected to the small power box hanging from his neck.
HOTDIII Meat Man render Meat Man (ミートマン, Mītoman?) A rare creature who only appears once in one of the EFI Genome Ward versions. He behaves identical to the "Mark" series of creatures. According to The House of the Dead III Perfect Guide, this creature is based off the winning costume of Sega's "Become a Zombie" contest in 2001.
HOTDIII Rogan Commando render Rogan Commando Thomas Rogan's reanimated soldiers who were killed by creature during their raid of the EFI Research Facility. They are extremely fast enemies, utilizing knives and kicks to attack.
Yukio Zombie Render Yukio (ユキオ, Yukio?) An elite Rogan Commando who was killed during "Chapter 0". He serves as a miniboss much later in the final chapter and can take far more damage. Interestingly enough, unlike the other creatures in the game he can talk, though it appears that he just says random phrases he once said when he was alive like "We are humanity's last hope!" and "That's for my buddies!"
HOTDIII Raymond render Raymond (レイモンド, Reimondo?) A muscular creature wielding a buzzsaw that deflects bullets. It is the only creature which cannot lose arms when shot.
HOTDIII Cain render Cain (カイン, Kain?) A creature-plant hybrid; attacks by swinging his vine-like arms.


HOTDIII Morkin render Morkin (モーキン, Mōkin?) Vultures often seen around corpses. Often attack in small groups.
HOTDIII Devilon render Devilon (デビロン, Debiron?) A bat-like creature that appears in small groups, attacking by flying directly at the player.
HOTDIII Murrer render Murrer (モゥラー, Myurā?) Leech-like creatures.
HOTDIII Putti render Putti (プッティ, Putti?) Groups of small beetles residing within the Bio Lab. They attack in swarms, latching onto the screen for a few seconds before biting.
HOTDIII SunSun render Sunsun (サンサン, Sansan?) Vine-like tendrils from Sun. They only appear in the Bio Lab.


Concept artwork[]

Guidebook scans[]

Official artwork[]



veTHoTD III logocontent
Lisa RoganGThomas RoganDr. CurienDaniel CurienThornheartDan Taylor
Acid • Azteca (I - II) • Barry • Cain • CharlesDevilonEbitan • Frederic • Koebitan • Hugh • Jack • Julie • Kageo • Torso Kageo • Mark (I - IV) • Meat Man • Morkin • Morris • Murrer • Pico • Putti • Raymond • Rogan Commandos • Sunsun • Yukio
DeathFoolSunWheel of Fate
ReminiscenceChasing ShadowsBewilderment, Sensory Chaos, and Ultimate Challenge (EFI and DBR facilities - EFI BIO facilities - Information Systems Department)Wheel of Fate
Other pages
Lore (AMSEFI Research FacilityThomas Rogan's Private Division)
Game modes (Extreme ModeTime Attack)
Spin-offs (Darts of the DeadThe House of the Dead ReelsThe Typing of the Dead 2)
2 & 3 ReturnThe House of the Dead III Perfect GuideThe House of the Dead 4 Official Sound TracksUnused content